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The walls within: working with defenses against otherness

Online Conference 5-11 July 2021

Granada 2016

Ethical Dilemmas in Our Global Era: Challenging psychoanalytical understanding of organizations

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Ethical Dilemmas in Our Global Era: Challenging psychoanalytical understanding of organizations


Archived website copy (as PDF)


June, Friday 24th, 2016

7.30-9.00: Registration

8.00-9.00: Social Dreaming

9.15-9.45: Welcome, Symposium Opening

9.45-11.15: Keynote speaker: Assoc. Prof. Oğuz Babüroğlu, Moderator Marina Mojovic

11.15-11.45: Coffee Break

11.45-13.15: PAPER SESSION 1

Philip Boxer: The ethics of questioning unconscious investment in turning a blind eye.Moderator M. G. Fromm
Judith Bell: Relationships at Work in the prison system. Moderator Niels van Steenbergen
Lionel Stapley: ‘Diversity, Prejudice & Racism: Origins and potential cures, a neuroscience perspective’. Moderator John Smith
Thomas Kretschmar and Moritz Senarclens de Grancy: The use of guided affective imagery to unveil unconscious ethics of corporate leaders. Moderator Elisabeth Henderson
Kate Dempsey: “A force, not a labour, a struggle not a thought”: Applying the concept of Duende to ethical dilemmas at work. Moderator Alicia Kaufmann

14.30-16.00: PAPER SESSION 2

David Armstrong: 'Psychoanalytic Study' and the Ethical Imagination; the making, finding and losing of a tradition'. Moderator Susan Long
James Dalgleish: Task as an ethical reference point in work-systems. Moderator R. M. Jones
Irina Izotova: Emotional Communications of Transference and Countertransference as an Instrument of Working with Organizational Unconscious Defenses in the Format of Psychoanalytic Business Coaching. Moderator Simon Western
Rita Baddoura & Thibault de Swarte: Automated killing in the digital era: a psychoanalytical reflection on warfare drones and related ethical issues. Moderator Philip Boxer
Thomas Hoffman: Leadership is Cheating Management. Moderator Dr. Claudia Nagel

14.00-16.30: Afternoon Break

16.30-17.45: PAPER SESSION 3

Ekaterina Mikhaylova & Joan Coll: The Hate that cures. Conflict resolution in modern psychoanalytic school. Moderator Susan Khan
James Walker: Optimism bias: governance with lack of presumed knowledge. Moderator Aaron Nurick
Steen Visholm, Dorte Sandeger & Merete: Networks, borders and boundaries. Moderator Marc Maltz
Yvonne Web: Falling through the gaps: working ethically across health and social boundaries. Moderator Heidi Rose
Mark Argent: The madness of an election. Moderator Elisabeth Neustadt

June, Saturday 25th, 2016

8.30-9.00: Registration

8.00-9.00: Social Dreaming

9.15-10.45: Keynote Speaker Dr. Shelley Reciniello:
“Upping Our Game: Making Psychoanalytical Insight Accessible and Engaging in the 21st Century”
Moderator Marlene Spiro


Richard Morgan-Jones: Learning from events, creating new possibilities. LARA committee meeting
Muzaffer Mustafa & Ekrem Ataer: Partners Dining Table in The Tent of Humanity.
Antoaneta Mateeva: New Members Space
Mark Stein: Publishing papers in academic journals
Muriel de Fabregues: TBC
Itamar Rogovsky & Manuel Seijo: Migrations, Cultures, Strangers and Feelings of Strangeness

13.15-14.15: Lunch

14.15-15.45: PAPER SESSION 4

Simon Western: The New Authoritarians: The Symbolic Rise of PC and PIC Culture. Moderator Mark Argent
Alicia Kaufmann: Pathway to Power in Politics. Hillary Clinton under the lens of Organizational Role Analysis. Moderator Halina Brunning
Rob Ryan: Fifteen words on a Portal - Ethical Dilemmas in a Government School. Moderator Mary Joyce
Rachel Ellison: Learning from leaders in a conflict zone: A psychoanalytical inquiry into leadership within an international non governmental development aid context, embracing themes of: leading in times of crisis, political unrest, personal, tribal or national vulnerable. Moderator M. S. de Grancy
Muriel de Fabrègues & Carlos Mario Alvarez: Digital HR Practices and Unconscious: What’s happening beneath the surface? Moderator James Walker
Roger Lehman & Eric van de Loo: Moderator Barbara Eisold

15.45-16.15: Afternoon Break

16.15-17.45: PAPER SESSION 5

Nadine Riad Tchelebi: Whose Deontology? Treating the Other with respect: When Swiss aid turned into Egyptian imposition. Moderator Derek Rafaelli
John Newton, Diana Dalton & Cathy Whelan: Ethical Management as Meaning Making in a University. Moderator Larry Hirschhorn
Richard Morgan-Jones: Consulting to ethical responses to boundary violations in therapy organisations: an occupational hazard in need of organisational consultation. Moderator Renate Bugge
Sari S A. Mattila: Understanding Difference: The Role of Ethics and Self-Awareness in Organizations. Moderator Lionel Stapley
Ajeet Mathur: Skating on thin ice: How to balance rights based public accountability, regulatory oversight as an obligatory governance function and the value of independence and peer evaluation in appointing judges and professors? Moderator Ken Eisold

June, Sunday 26th, 2016


8.00-9.00: Social Dreaming

9.15-10.45: Paper Session 6

Diane M. Gartland: Reflections on Ethical Issues in Psychoanalytic and Psychological Organizations: The IPA/Cabernite and APA/Guantanamo Scandals. Moderator Jeffrey Axelbank
Jenny Smith: The First Fleet: Australia’s unconscious chosen trauma and its impact on its asylum seeker policies. Moderator Brigid Nossal
Mark Stringer: Forsaken desires: The dark side of Employee Engagement. Moderator Birgitte Bonnerup
Muzafer Mustafa: In-Between Paralyzed and Reflective Selves. A personal journey of understanding the question of Muslim woman identity in Turkish and Western contexts. Moderator Shelley Recinello
Elisabeth Henderson: Education for internalising Leadership integrity in a Compromised Society. Moderator Ekaterina Michailova
Larry Hirschhorn: Passion or Procrastination: The psychodynamics of big bet decisions. Moderator Kate Dempsey

10.45-11.15: Coffee Break

11.15-12.30: Keynote Dr. Farhad Dalal
The Ethics of Equality & Diversity in Organizational Life

12.30-13.15: Symposium Reflections and Closing

13.15-14.15: Lunch